Basic Books for the Media

For The Media

Basic Books Publicity


If you are a member of the media and are interested in obtaining review or promotional copies of our books — or if you have a question about any of our books and authors — please send your request(s) via the email address above. Please include your name, phone number, physical address, and media affiliation (including a link to your site).

Liz Wetzel
Executive Director, Publicity


Liz Wetzel joined Basic Books in 2018 as the Publicity Director. Prior to Basic Books, Liz worked for the Crown Publishing Group, a division of Penguin Random House, and HarperCollins.

Angie Messina
Associate Publicity Director


Angie joined Basic Books in 2021 as Assistant Publicity Director. Prior to Basic Books, Angie worked for Oxford University Press and Penguin Random House.

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