Morality and Global Justice

Justifications and Applications


By Michael Boylan

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In this concise, single-authored text, renowned scholar and professor Michael Boylan examines the moral justifications underlying key global justice issues and provides students with the analytical tools to approach those issues critically. Introductory chapters establish a thorough but accessible foundation in theory and moral justification, and subsequent chapters apply those concepts to key areas of global concern: poverty; public health; race, gender, and sexual orientation; democracy and social/political dialog; globalization; the environment; war and terrorism; and immigrants and refugees. For easy reference and review, each chapter includes key terms, critical applied reasoning exercises (CARE), and problems and thought experiments perfect for class discussions or writing exercises. The appendix, “Getting Involved,” guides students in putting ethical principles to work.

An anthology of original essays, The Morality and Global Justice Reader, is also available as a complementary or a standalone text.


On Sale
Mar 1, 2011
Page Count
248 pages
Avalon Publishing

Michael Boylan

About the Author

Michael Boylan received his Ph.D. from the University of Chicago and is professor of philosophy at Marymount University in Arlington, Virginia. He is the author or editor of numerous books, including Philosophy: An Innovative Introduction (with Charles Johnson) and Critical Inquiry: The Process of Argument, both published by Westview Press.

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