Cosplay the Marvel Way

A Guide to Costuming Culture and Crafting Basics

New Release


By Judith Stephens

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The cosplay producer and co-creator of the Women Of Marvel podcast weaves together the history of Marvel cosplay with practical tips, advice, and instructions on how-to create your own cosplays based on popular Marvel heroes Black Panther, Captain America, Ms. Marvel, Ironheart, Phoenix, and Loki.

An officially licensed guide to learning about and creating Marvel cosplays, Cosplay the Marvel Way walks readers through every step of the creative process—from choosing a character, gathering your materials and tools, building your cosplay using items in your closet or from the thrift store, and showing off their new look at a convention or photoshoot. Whether you are just starting out or have a whole closet jam-packed with amazing cosplays, this book is perfect for anyone Marvel fans that are interested in or love dressing up as their favorite super heroes. Cosplay the Marvel Way is a reminder that cosplay is more than making and putting on a costume–it’s about community, about finding who you are, and expressing it through the intersection of comics and fashion.

  • "A comprehensive, beginner-friendly guide to the exciting and creative universe of Marvel cosplay."
    Library Journal

On Sale
Jun 18, 2024
Page Count
192 pages
Running Press

Judith Stephens

About the Author

Judy Stephens is a producer, author, cosplayer, and world traveler living in Astoria, New York. She is a co-creator of the Women Of Marvel podcast and co-author of the upcoming book Super Visible: The Story of the Women of Marvel. With over 15 years working at Marvel, and within the cosplay community, Judy has worked in the production of new and pop culture based content, and is a well known advocate for cosplay at Marvel and Disney. Judy's work has been featured on major geek-culture outlets like Marvel, Kotaku, and Nerdist, and within several books, including Cosplay World and Yaya Han's World of Cosplay

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