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  • The final book in the epic fantasy trilogy that began with Battlemage -- expect fireball-filled battles, otherworldly enemies, and heroically powerful magesVoechenka is a city under siege. Decimated by the Battlemage War, its dead now walk the city at night,… Read More

  • The people of Perizzi have survived the battlemage war, but their future is looking darker than ever.BYRNE is a member of the Watch, investigating a series of murders in which the corpse was drained entirely of life.FRAY's expertise with magic… Read More

  • "I can command storms, summon fire and unmake stone," Balfruss growled. "It's dangerous to meddle with things you don't understand."Balfruss is a battlemage, sworn to fight and die for a country that fears and despises his kind. Vargus is a… Read More

Stephen Aryan

About the Author

Stephen Aryan was born in 1977 and was raised by the sea in northeast England. After graduating from Loughborough University, hestarted working in marketing, and for some reason he hasn’t stopped. A keen podcaster, lapsed gamer and budding archer, when not extolling the virtues of Babylon 5, he can be found drinking real ale and reading comics.He lives in a village in Yorkshire with his partner and two cats.

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