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  • In this explosive final book of the action-packed Nova Vita Protocol trilogy, The Kaisers are on the run from the planetary leaders who seek to bury the knowledge of the alien artifacts that could save the star system—or destroy it. “Merbeth’s… Read More

  • Two planets are on the brink of war in Memoria, the thrillingsecond book in an action-packed space opera trilogy, The Nova Vita Protocol.The Kaiser Family helped the Nova Vita system avoid a catastrophic multi-planet war, one that the Kaisers might… Read More

  • Fortuna launches a new space opera trilogy that will hook you from the first crash landing.Scorpia Kaiser has always stood in Corvus's shadow until the day her older brother abandons their family to participate in a profitless war. However, becoming… Read More

Kristyn Merbeth

About the Author

Kristyn Merbeth is obsessed with SFF, food, video games, and her dog and resides in Tucson, Arizona.

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