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  • The final battle -- the ultimate price.The once beautiful land of Hightspall is being carved up by warring armies led by figures from out of legend. One army is headed by the charismatic brute, Axil Grandys, and the other by… Read More

  • Hightspall is dying. Every year the winters worsen, and the realm's protective magic disappeared with the traitor-king, Lyf, two thousand years ago. Now Lyf is back, bent on wiping Hightspall off the map and rebuilding his ancient land anew. Lyf… Read More

  • Ten years ago, two children witnessed a murder that still haunts them as adults.Tali watched as two masked figures killed her mother, and now she has sworn revenge. Even though she is a slave. Even though she is powerless. Even… Read More

Ian Irvine

About the Author

Ian Irvine, an Australian marine scientist, has also written 32 novels and an anthology of shorter stories. His novels include the Three Worlds fantasy sequence (The View from the Mirror, The Well of Echoes and Song of the Tears), which has been published in many countries and translations and has sold over sold over a million copies, a trilogy of eco-thrillers in a world of catastrophic climate change, Human Rites, now in its third edition, and 13 novels for younger readers. His latest book is The Fatal Gate, Book 2 of The Gates of Good and Evil, the sequel to The View from the Mirror.

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