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L. Brent Bozell

About the Author

Lecturer, syndicated columnist, television commentator, debater, marketer, businessman, author, publisher, and activist L. BRENT BOZELL III is an outspoken and effective national leader in the conservative movement. Founder and president of the Media Research Center, Mr. Bozell runs the largest media watchdog organization in America. In 2010 he founded ForAmerica, the most engaged public policy organization in the country. He is married, with five children and twelve grandchildren.

TIM GRAHAM is executive editor of NewsBusters and the Media Research Center’s director of media analysis. Graham co-authored, with Brent Bozell, Collusion (2013) and Whitewash (2007). He is also the author of the book Pattern of Deception: The Media’s Role in the Clinton Presidency (1996).