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Meet Bob Holt

Bob Holt has been drawing bugs, bunnies, turtles—anything that crawls, really—since childhood, and he’s grateful that his passion has turned into a paying career. Bob is the co-creator of hoops&yoyo, a pair of animated characters featured on Hallmark cards and two holiday TV specials. He also draws a series of cartoons entitled “Sweet and Sour Pork,” which are published on Bob has two daughters, two cats, one wife, and a mortgage that never wants to move away. He lives in Kansas City, Missouri.


This is such a fun Christmas story! What inspired you to write this book?


It’s easy to get overwhelmed and a little down at Christmas when things aren’t going as planned. I wanted to write a story about someone who’s trying to have a great Christmas but things are not going as planned. Like most down moments in life it takes a group of friends huddling up to turn things around. Friends are the best!
  1. In addition to this being a sweet and fun Christmas story, there’s messaging about friends helping each other out. What do you hope kids take away after reading?


That our friends are friends on the happy days as well as the frustrating and sad days.

Not only are you the writer of this, but you’re also the illustrator! What is that process like? Do you have a favorite scene that you illustrated?


I use to do a lot of animation. I find writing and illustrating to be similar to animation. My brain draws out storyboards in my head as I write which makes the illustrating part much easier.


  1. There are so many fun animals in this book! How did you choose them?


They all showed up at my house one cold evening demanding to be in one of my books. I learned a long time ago not to make penguins mad.


  1. You write so many fun stories that have holiday themes! What’s your favorite holiday and why?


I’d have to say that Halloween is my favorite holiday. I love how nutty Halloween is. You knock on peoples doors dressed up as ghouls, skeletons, Ninja turtles, and ask for candy. How whacked and fun is that?


Where can readers find out more about you and your books?


You can keep up with what I’m doing by following my Facebook author page HERE