May Staff Book Report: Saimah Haque

Each month we ask our staff to share their latest reading recommendations and give us a sneak peek into their reading habits by answering your favorite bookish questions. In May, we hear from Saimah Haque, Director, Consumer Marketing. Read ahead for Saimah’s trusted reading recommendations, her favorite cover of the past year and more.

Saimah Haque, Director, Consumer Marketing

I’ve always been fascinated by Greek mythology, so I was intrigued by this book about Circe, the magical witch who played a role in so many Greek heroes’ stories. I’ve read several of the stories of Greek heroes from Odysseus to Achilles to Icarus, so it was interesting to read these tales from Circe’s perspective, showing that she wasn’t an evil witch but rather a powerful sorceress protecting her home and her loved ones. People say there are two sides to every story and this novel really proves that to be true.

This story is a viral sensation for a reason! It’s a mind-bending suspenseful tale with an unreliable narrator. It is a book that will leave your jaw hanging on the floor and second-guessing everything you just read. After you get to the twist ending, you’ll want to discuss this read with all your friends and make anyone who hasn’t read it yet read it so you can discuss it with them too!

 If you’re looking for a delightful, light-hearted story, check out Farah Heron’s Accidentally Engaged. I loved reading this story about a young woman who was also a first-generation child of immigrants trying to navigate two cultures. Reena was a character who I could relate to in so many ways. Like Reena, baking helps me relieve stress and forget about my insane to-do list for a little while.

What is the weirdest thing you’ve used as a bookmark?

A business card. Someone gave it to me at some networking event and now I have their info memorized.

Do you have a go-to comfort read?

Yes, the Harry Potter series or Christina Lauren’s Josh & Hazel’s Guide to Not Dating.

If you owned a bookstore, what would you call it?

Spines & Wines

Perfect Pairings

Between the Pages

One More Chapter

What book is at the top of your TBR right now?

What is your favorite book cover from the past year why?

Daughter of the Moon Goddess by Sue Lynn Tan. I was browsing at my local bookstore and the art on this cover caught my eye, I was so drawn to it immediately. It seemed so whimsical and painted a great story. When I read the description, I immediately added it to my TBR.