Finders Keepers, Treasure Seekers

I used to be a very keen treasure hunter. A treasure hunter with no boundaries. As in, I would search through my siblings’ rooms in search of booty. What would I find? Empty candy wrappers and dried-up tubes of lipstick.

Now, you may be wondering, what happened to my treasure-hunting tendencies? Well, I learned to transfer them to books, where the treasure was always more bountiful than discarded candy wrappers, and the journey significantly more thrilling than sneaking into the rooms of my brother and sisters (though also a thrilling adventure every child should experience).

If you’ve got a treasure hunter on your hands, then the books below will excite and delight them! Filled with action, adventure, and treasure, of course, these books will enchant all readers. And, I can’t make any promises, but they might even keep them out of their siblings’ rooms!